Intellectual Property, Commercialisation and Technology Start-ups
We assess IP and deliver due diligence, business plans, hands-on coaching and training to university spin-outs and start-ups.
We also advise on maximising the value of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Asset portfolios for established firms and for universities.
IP Portfolio Management
Our team is formally qualified and has the practical experience required to assess the value of IP portfolios. We work with our clients to identify the optimum strategy for exploiting value.
We are especially interested in opportunities for universities and research institutes to generate a commercial return on the IP their staff develop.
We have experience of working with academic staff, commercialisation offices and spinout companies.
Spin-out & Start-up Support
Our team has extensive corporate and new start experience representing a broad range of technology sectors. We provide hands-on assistance to start-ups, advising on marketing strategy, channels to market, negotiations and investment. Our IP knowledge is highly sought-after during firms' ownership and share distribution discussions.
Commercial Due-diligence and Business Planning
Our proprietary process for undertaking commercial due-diligence combines both desk/online research and targeted consultations. It tests the firm's proposed "market offer" that is prepared jointly with the entrepreneur. Where appropriate, it incorporates an assessment of IP and positions the firm's offer relative to the competition.
Where we find that a spin-out is not approripate or viable, we will identify whether the university can generate an Impact benefit through an alternative route.
Intellectual Property & Company Value
For over a decade we have delivered training to technology based start-ups on IP and Company Value as part of a consortium led by the Entrepreneur Business School. Our clients include Scottish Enterprise (Proof of Concept), Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). We focus on the commercial benefit a spin-out can derive through the IP it controls and the pitfalls it should avoid.